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- schedule for courses -

We have created a simple space in nature, under the glaciers and next to huge waterfalls and mountains. Here we share various classes, workshops and gatherings with the Blue Mountain Hall as our base.

Our classes and gatherings are of everyone, with all backgrounds and experience.

For the 2025 season we do not have retreats, but will create a nice schedule for the summerseason where you can come and enjoy nature, yoga, sauna and icebath and the Blue Mountain Hall by yourself and attend classes as you wish.

In May you can attend the most beautiful deepening modules in Cranio Sacral Therapy.

Johanne & Frank

May 2025

“Biodynamic Touch”

5-19 th May

Module 1 & 2 with Jean Manual Nadeau


We look so much forward to have Jean Manuel back sharing his two mudules in Cranio Sacral Therapy “Biodynamic Touch”. You can attend one or both modules. These courses are for holistic therapists, yoga teachers and others.
Read more and sign up on Jean Manuel´s website on the link under.

Please read this
For teachers and participants on courses

All facilitators and guest teachers at Blue Mountain Yoga have long experience, personal practice and teaching background in the field they share.
The guest teachers giving courses and retreats at Blue Mountain Yoga have the full responsibility for their group and retreat, and guests sign up directly with them. All facilitators and teachers are obligated to follow national ethical guidelines and laws, and none of the practices given here are a substitute for professional medical care for any condition. All practices and suggestions given are only complementary to other professional medical care.
All participants are responsible for all activities they participate in, or practice during or after ended trainings/retreat/classes/courses here at Blue Mountain Yoga.
All participants are responsible to inform your teacher if you have any medical conditions that are important to know during the course, and to practice physical and other activities with necessary care.

We wish all a wonderful stay.

Copyright all text and pictures
Blue Mountain Yoga 2015-2025